Saturday, January 27 – String Theory, a four-piece band with three-part harmonies, will perform again at the Club.
Always a great night - $10.00 cover. -
Saturday, February 3 – The Jenkintown Mac Jam Club comprised of local musicians will appear – always a good
time. 7:00 p.m., no cover. -
Saturday, February 10 – Steal Your Face returns to the Club for the Foolish Hearts Ball. $10 cover, buffet, and roses for
the ladies. 7:00 p.m., the band begins at 9:00. -
Saturday, February 24 – The Ambler Celtic Strings, an Irish music band featuring several Club members, return to the
Club to perform their great Irish folk music. 7:00 p.m., $5.00 cover. -
Saturday, March 16 - Stanton Family Singers – Great Irish music performed by the long-time Club favorites. 7:00
p.m., $10 cover, all proceeds benefit Our Lady’s House and Guiding Star Ministries.